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  • Collection: Prince Rivers

A collage of 64 members of the 1868 South Carolina legislature. They are dubbed "Radical" and attention is brought to their earnings and literacy in order to disparage this new group of congressmen. Prince Rivers is far left, four rows down. It is…

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In this clipping from the abolitionist newspaper, Prince Rivers is quoted and Robert and Hannah Smalls are mentioned.

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Image depicts the reading of the Emancipation Proclamation under the "Emancipation Oak" at Fort Saxton on January 1, 1863. After this, the members of the 1st SCV were finally, legally, freed. In the crowd are members of the USCT, with 1st SCV color…

Rivers Speech Philadelphia.pdf
In this report of the Pennsylvania Relief Association, a report comes in from Beaufort in which there are several speeches recorded.
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