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Army LIfe in A black regiment_Part1.pdf
Thomas Wentworth Higginson's account of the time he spent with the 1st SCV during the Civil War.

A collage of 64 members of the 1868 South Carolina legislature. They are dubbed "Radical" and attention is brought to their earnings and literacy in order to disparage this new group of congressmen. Prince Rivers is far left, four rows down. It is…

The U.S. Army has uploaded the book in its entirety to its website. This scholarly work explores the USCT as a whole during this period.

1st sc image.jpg
One of the few pictures of the 1st SCV in Beaufort, likely at Camp Saxton. Photographer unknown.


Susie King Taylor served as a nurse in the 33rd USCT for three years, while simultaneously working as a laundress and teaching children and soldiers to read.
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